RIPE has had historical ties with academia and the research community since its inception. A number of European NRENs (members of RARE, now known as GÉANT) were RIPE’s founders and attended the very first RIPE meeting in 1989. From the early days of RIPE three decades ago until today, academic members have actively contributed to the development and operation of IP networks.
Join us for a chance to hear from seasoned speakers on their experiences of working in academia and how these important institutions continue to serve the Internet community.
As we are heading towards RIPE 87, Mirjam Kühne (RIPE Chair) will share with you the benefits of being part of the network community, and how to make the most out of RIPE meetings.
The event is aimed mainly at undergraduate students but is open to all. We will also set aside a limited number of free student tickets for the RIPE 87 meeting in Rome (November 27 – Dec 1).
Illuminating the Internet: Researcher’s Adventures in Internet Measurement
– Raffaele Sommese, University of Twente -
GÉANT Network eAcademy
– Ivana Golub, PSNC/GÉANT -
A brief guide to RIPE Meetings and how to (meaningfully) participate
– Gergana Petrova, RIPE NCC -
RIPE NCC and Academia
– Jelena Ćosić, RIPE NCC -
BGP: From Theory to Practice
– Antonio Prado, AS59715

Dr. ir. Raffaele Sommese
Raffaele is a postdoctoral researcher at University of Twente with expertise in DNS security and hygiene, DDoS prevention, Internet resilience, and centralization. His research focuses on measuring effectiveness and adoption of solutions for improving the security and resilience of the global Internet infrastructure.

Dr. sc. Ivana Golub
Ivana is a senior researcher in Poznan SuperComputing and Network Center, Polish National and Research Network, working as the co-leader of the Network Development work package of the GÉANT 5-1 project.
Ivana obtained her B.Sc, Mr.Sc and Dr.Sc degrees at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture at the University of Split, Croatia, with her area of expertise and interest focused to architecture, design and management of Internet networks, as well as project, process and service management.

Gergana Petrova
Gergana Petrova is the Community Development Manager at the RIPE NCC. She is responsible for RIPE NCC’s engagement with a broad range of stakeholders, including the RIPE NCC membership, the RIPE community, network operators, academia, government, law enforcement, and other Internet stakeholders. Her team organises regional events throughout Europe, the Middle East, and Central Asia, and sponsors and presents at technical Internet community events. Gergana helps develop national and regional Network Operator Groups (NOGs), Internet Exchange Points (IXPs), national Internet Governance Forums (IGFs), Internet Governance schools and other projects that benefit the Internet in the RIPE NCC’s service region.
In her 10+ years at the RIPE NCC, Gergana has also worked in the Communications and External Relations departments. Originally from Bulgaria, Gergana studied for her Bachelors in Germany and obtained her Masters in Business Research in the Netherlands.

Jelena Ćosić
Jelena initially joined the RIPE NCC as a consultant for the South East Europe region. As part of her role, Jelena supports local communities and engages stakeholders from the SEE region, including RIPE NCC members, governmental agencies, academic institutions and civil society organisations. She is the current programme coordinator of RIPE Academic Cooperation Initiative (RACI).

Antonio Prado
An open source enthusiast, Antonio Prado is currently the Chief Technology Officer at AS59715, a local government body in Italy. He has been active in IT since 1993 and was an early adopter of IPv6.
A former MANRS ambassador and MANRS Steering Committee member, he recently co-authored the book “BGP, from theory to practice”, available in Italian and English.